Monday, December 17, 2018

Beyond the Text: Assessing and Reflecting on Chp 4 Exam in FREN 103 fall 2018

Over the years my written exams have evolved so they are much less focused on form and much more focused on substance. This semester in particular I used videos of native speakers from the Français interactive website in the listening comprehension. I've given them more open ended questions like describing the weather and scenery they see in a photo. They get full credit for identifying 8 elements, the 8 student A picks could be different from those student B picks and that's okay. They're both working with elements that are meaningful to them. The final section is an essay question that asks them to apply autobiographical information to a logical setting.

The chp 4 exam was similar in format, yet after 47 minutes not one student was finished and with the other exams several had finished after just 30 minutes. When I graded them almost everyone did much worse than the past exams. I mulled over what to do and then decided upon giving them an anonymous survey with questions on a Likert scale to find out if they studied for it differently than the others or if I failed to design a test that aligned with what they actually learned.

Here are the questions I asked:

Please answer this survey anonymously to give me feedback on the chp 04 exam.

1.    Approximately how much time did you spend preparing for this exam?

0-30 minutes           30-60 minutes              1-2 hours         more than 2 hours

2.    How much time did you spend on this exam compared to the others? More time  / less time

3.    Did you run out of time to answer the questions as completely as you wanted?  Yes /  no

4.    Do you think we needed to spend more time on this chapter before taking the exam? Yes /  no

5.    How well do you think the exam matched the activities and assignments you did for chp 4?

Not well at all       not well       no opinion       pretty well    extremely well

The results were equal parts reassuring and maddening. They spent between 30 and 60 minutes preparing. This was about the same amount of time as for other exams. They did run out of time. They did NOT think we needed to spend more time on the chapter before the exam. They thought exam matched the activities and assignments very well. I shared the results and said I couldn't really draw any conclusions about what I could have done differently. 

I did allow them to redo the essay questions at the end and I would average their score on that section with the original score. Of 8 students only 1 opted to do that and she already had a B+ grade. 

I guess this is when horses and water come into the picture. You can get a teacher to reflect and offer students opportunities to do better, but you can't make the students come to the water and actually do the work to do better. 

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